
Rosanne Philippens
Violinist Rosanne Philippens is an extraordinary communicator, with an innate musicality and an infectiously joyful yet sincere approach to music-making.
Alina Ibragimova
Alina Ibragimova has established a reputation as one of the most accomplished and intriguing violinists of the younger generation.
Kristóf Baráti
Hungarian violinist Kristóf Baráti is recognised across the globe as a musician of extraordinary quality with a vast expressive range and impeccable technique.
Dan Zhu
Dan Zhu is widely recognised as one of the leading musicians of his generation on the international stage today.
Wolfgang Schröder
Wolfgang Schröder has performed together with Yehudi Menuhin and Alberto Lysy, both as a soloist and a chamber musician, all over the world, including the Barbican Center in London and Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires.
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