
Rémi Geniet
Since being the youngest prizewinner in the Bonn International Beethoven Competition in 2011, and after winning the Second Prize in the 2013 Queen Elisabeth International Piano Competition at the age of 20, Rémi Geniet has fast established himself as one of the most prominent pianists of his generation.
Tyler Hay
Tyler Hay was born in 1994 and began learning the piano at the age of six. In 2007, he gained a place to study with Tessa Nicholson at the prestigious Purcell School for Young Musicians
Jiyeong Mun
Jiyeong Mun won the Geneva International Competition in Switzerland in 2014, at the age of 18, and subsequently won the Busoni International Competition in Italy in 2015. Since then, she has gained a reputation as one of the most sought-after musicians and pianists of her generation
Luke Jones
Luke Jones studied at the Conservatorio di Musica 'Lorenzo Perosi' Campobasso under the guidance of Maestro Carlo Grante
Tomoki Sakata
Tomoki Sakata has appeared in major concert venues throughout the world, and has performed with some of the world’s leading orchestras
Ilya Kondratiev
Born in Russia, Ilya studied at the Samara College of Music and at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatoire. In 2014 he moved to London in order to further his studies at the Royal College of Music under Vanessa Latarche and Sofia Gulyak.
Danae Dörken
Called “the discovery of the year” by Crescendo classical music magazine, German-Greek pianist Danae Dörken is one of the most internationally acclaimed artists of the new generation, electrifying the audiences with her stunning technical skills, exceptional charisma and great profundity of her musicianship.
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